
Bah ^.^ Interaction is interaction, even if it's tentative and I-don't-know-you-go-away-ish.

Umbra paused when the scent of another wolf reached him through his still smoke-infested nose, and he automatically shrank back a little, tail and head going down. After all, most of the wolves he'd ran into after leaving his pack had been those belonging to another pack -- or at least it felt that way -- so he reacted by instinct before realizing that first of all, he'd scented no territory markings, and secondly the other wolf was as alone as he was.

A little more confidently, he stepped forward, but stopped at a respectful distance nonetheless to study his unexpected company. The other wo... Was it a wolf? He looked more like a coyote to Umbra with his narrow nose and brown tones. Especially the nose. And he was covered with scars, which made Umbra wonder if this person had won or lost the fights he must have been in.

"I'm Umbra," he said, not showing his hesitation. Appearance was key, that was what he'd learned from his mother. "You wouldn't happen to know if there are any claimed territories nearby, would you? If it was at all possible, Umbra wanted to avoid those. He wanted food right now, not politics and trouble.

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