Burnin' your ticket for that long black train

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OOC here: Table & Coding © Jenny/Kiri; 517 words

He had dropped his hand when he was pulled away from. Sure, he was forward but he also knew when to back off. And now it seemed to be time for that. He stood and backed away a few steps to put a bit of distance between himself and the other two. Though he still remained in a position where he could easily see both males still. Actually from his new vantage point he really only had to stare straight ahead in order to see both at once. He no longer had to keep on turning his head from side to side in order to be able to view both wolves that he had run across, neither of which he had acquired the name of.

He saw the fallen male glance up the mountain but had no idea if he would take up the task or not. He wasn't moving to do so but it wasn't like Ouija was expecting him to get right on the task either. Actually he would be surprised if the other chose to undertake the task at all. It wasn't as if Ouija had been entirely serious about it. Sure, he wouldn't mind it if the other managed to get it but it wasn't a big priority either. Rather it had been something said in order to break the ice.

The large male tilted his head a bit as the other wolf stuttered out his response. Nerves or genetics, he couldn't quite settle on the cause for it. And that is what made it a curious thing. While it took the other while to get out whatever it was that he wanted to say Ouija could understand it easily enough once it had finally been spoken. He nodded his head as the other agreed to being okay. All possible tragedies seemed to have been avoided so that was a good things.

Honestly Ouija didn't think he was being too vulgar at all. His first response was to lick injuries that could be reached. Was that not what all did? Of course he could easily be wrong about that. He had thought it was customary to lick away blood when it was spotted. The remark could have been entirely innocent after all. It was all how the other's took it. It would seemed that Noah had found it strange if not offensive. And it seemed Oran didn't take kindly to it either seeing as how he had backed away.

"Not quite yet but you could. Both of you could." After all none had thought to exchange names just yet. If it ever would even come to that. It wasn't like he hadn't ever had meetings where no introductions had been made before. It really didn't matter to him one way or another. What were the odds that he would run into these two again anyways? He didn't exactly expect it to happen but who knew? He hadn't seen them in the are where he was staying so it wasn't like he knew where to find them, or they him, or any of that.


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