breaking illusions

ooc goodnesssss

Niro had been thinking about the night before, something he had never thought would happen, though he knew Amaranth was his mate and he loved her dearly he had not expected things to turn out the way they did, they were getting better and better for him. Life was actually good! He couldn’t think of anything bad that could ruin this moment, he would be providing for his mate, and pack, though he was still quite injured, the thought of hunting not just for the whole pack but for his family, it was enthralling, exhilarating, everything he culd think of.

He’d moved outside of his cave home, his surprise would almost be finished with and he wondered what Amaranth’s reaction would be! he sat near the shore thinking of what her reaction was going to be when he heard someone calling… not a random call, not to anyone in the vicinity, it was for him… and him alone, his ears perked, and looked in the direction of the shattered coast, which he was neighboring. He sighed, the voice that called didn’t sound familiar… he was actually thinking of ignoring it, but it must have been important, he rarely got called…he stood, holding onto his crutch for support, as he rose Marahute flew from a branch of a nearby tree and floated to his shoulder. He smiled at her as he made his way down… it was slow going for him though as he was still in a bit of pain. Soon he reached the area where he suspected the call came from, and there stood someone he didn’t expect to see… and with her three puppy girls. He stopped, and looked at the woman he’d met not too far from here, she’d offered him some alcohol and he couldn’t remember much after it, so he wasn’t sure how he should feel, but he smiled, it seemed she’d just had pups recently too. The thought of when they met didn’t seem to click with the pups though. Marahute ruffled her feathers a little at the sight of Lolita, but she looked kindly at the three puppies that were around Lolita.

Hello, it’s good to see you again, is there something the matter?

He said, he was being a little too overly polite, but he was curious as to why she came, and called him while there were pups all around her. Niro didn’t know how stupid he could really be.

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