let the sun shine

He had been up and about all morning, but now the day was slowing down a bit. Gideon's day always started very early with the pups rising before the sun was even up in the sky some days. He didn't mind it too much, and normally went to bed around the same time every night. As soon as the pups were sleeping at night he could do a few things for himself for an hour or two..but then he always ended up feeling sleepy and laying down with them. They were sleepy-magnets to him. As soon as he laid down with them, he always fell right to sleep.

This morning was no different. They were just laying down for a nap and the Stormbringer male felt himself falling into a light sleep as he lay curled up on the bed beside Melee and Range. They were getting bigger with each day, it seemed, and he spent as much time with them as he could. Soon enough, they would be off exploring the world for themselves. He was very, very scared for the day when that would come.

A loud noise woke him from his sleep and he opened up the door quickly, closing it behind him so that the pups wouldn't hear the racket. "Hmm?" He asked as he stepped out into the hall, going for the living room. "Saul...was that you?" He asked sleepily, yawning and blinking a bit to clear his head.

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