Ear-lye in the morning


He was used to the every day routine with the pups, but once they didn't need him as much he would be looking for something to fill that void. Gideon was the type who liked to be busy all the time. It kept him from thinking too much, which was a good thing. The male thought and daydreamed enough as it was. He enjoyed doing things with his hand, building and fishing and constructing things. He was starting to wonder about when he should move out of the mansion; as Conor had just said, he wasn't a child any more.

"I don't want to just leave the mansion like Nayru..but I think I might start digging a den or something before it gets too cold outside. Not too far away...maybe over by where Nayru lives. I'm not sure. I feel like I should be close to her--being around her makes me happy" He said. He was very sad when he didn't see his friend for a while. Having the routine helped.

Gideon was glad to hear that he would be given more responsibility. He looked up in surprise and puzzlement at what Conor said, though, then spoke. "A long time from now, huh. I got a lot to do before then. Aunt Bris...she's a good wolf too. You both are. You take care of the entire pack like we're your family..even those of us who aren't your blood family" He said in realization. "You're like...a big mother and father to the pack"

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