here be monsters
style="border-left:1px #808080 solid; border-top:0px #808080 solid; border-right:1px #808080 solid; border-bottom:1px #808080 solid;"

out of character::black engulfs the dying


Fade to black would be perfect, I think.

we launch ourselves into the bright::in character

She half turned and grinned back slightly at him, nodding. "Might even go so far 's to say I enjoy your company." Nocht replied. She moved back over to the counter, placing the map beside her bow and fishing rod, and then went to grab a spool of the clear cord used for stringing fishing rods; she'd re-string the bow herself later on. All in all, it had been a productive day so far, and apparently it was still far from over. Returning to the counter she slung the bow over her shoulder and grabbed up the fishing rod and the map in her free hand, along with the fishing line. She frowned a little, seeing as her hands were already nearly full. Those pockets really would come in useful, even if she didn‘t find what she deemed a suitable book. Turning to move towards the door she grinned cheekily back at Valentine. "You near ready yet?" His company was most certainly growing on her and she’d even go so far as to hazard that she was anticipating looking for the rest of the items on her list.


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