Caress Me Down

Thanks for starting! <3

It was nearing sunset by the time Clover stumbled out of one of the dilapidated buildings in the crumbling human city of Halifax. She had traveled there in hopes of scavenging some useful things to bring home with her to Inferni, but hadn’t come up with much to bring back. With her knapsack slung over a shoulder, she turned away from the building and wandered down the crumbling concrete. She realized that in her knapsack she carried more things that she had originally brought than she had actually found. With a slight shrug of her shoulders, Clover brushed the thought away. It didn’t matter if she hadn’t been entirely successful. After all, she had still enjoyed a lovely day in the city and had stumbled across many interesting things.

When the buildings began to grow less dense and the horizon was no longer blocked completely from view, straw eyes picked up on the distant haze of smoke. Though Shattered Coast was in the opposite direction, curiosity won over the girl and she decided to head in that direction. The sun hadn’t completely disappeared behind the horizon, so she figured she had some time to kill. Plus, if whoever it was had built a fire, it was safe to assume they planned to spend the night there. Consequently, Clover easily jumped to the conclusion that they were probably a loner, thus probably in need of some company. With an enlightened grin on her face and one clawed hand gripping the strap of her knapsack, Clover set off in the direction of the drifting smoke.

"I hope I’m not interrupting," she spoke softly, studying the form in front of her with interest. The fire cast harsh shadows across his lithe frame, and straw eyes eagerly danced over the pelt of black and white. Most interesting, however, were the vibrant blue eyes that looked back at her. They were amazingly vibrant and handsome, and Clover couldn’t help but smile at them. Though he had given her no invitation, she moved closer to him and the fire that was crackling healthily before him. The smell of cooking food was apparent and it easily set the girl’s stomach to churning. She hadn’t realized that she was in fact hungry. "Do you mind if I join you, love?" She asked softly, eyes dancing from the fire and then back to his face. He didn’t appear to be very old, and yet he couldn’t have been too much younger than Clover. She would have guessed their birthdays were only separated by a couple months or so. While she waited for his decision, a hand flitted to her golden hair and twirled a lock framing her face around a slender finger.

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