Of Cabbages and Kings...

OOC: I sort of figured. o:

As Sylvie scanned the horizon, deep, violet eyes glinting in the light, her mind slipped back into those days again. To her left was a large tree, bathed golden, red, and brown in the hues of the season, decorated by piles of crunchy, cripsy leaves, like those she had hidden beneath so many months ago. Smiling softly at the memory, chocolate nose twitched upon cream maw, alerting her brain of a familiar scent. Not as familiar as others might have been, but familiar enough to spark a continuance to her leafy memories. Amaranth, the husky mix, that fiery child who had so sent her friend into a fit of extended stutters.

Cream and lilac fur danced about in a soft breeze as bright amethyst eyes found the similarly aged female. For a moment, it seemed, the husky mix was startled by her appearance, stopping suddenly to stare. Amaranth had grown, just as Sylvie had, and when the other lovely young lady came to a stop before the slim fairy, Sylvie took a moment to appreciate the changes. However, as the red-headed female's mouth opened, it seemed that only the outside had really changed.

One padded hand settled behind soft, spiky mane, rubbing the back of her head in a sheepish sort of manner. "Hello to you too, Amaranth..." She said, one slim eyebrow arching into a slightly amused expression. "I was not gone for good, no. Alaine will always be my... my mother." She softly noted, blinking at Amaranth's sharp gaze. Was the red female okay...? Sylvie's thought process stopped suddenly as Mara's words truly took hold. Her partner in crime? Caillen? Caillen hadn't been around? "Wait... Caillen's been missing?" She asked then, eyes widening slightly, betraying a surprised concern. Slim hand paused behind her head, suspended in the air in a startled fashion. Was he alright? What about Alaine?

"What about Alaine? Has she been okay?" Asked the collie girl, hands now crossing before her soft form. If at least Alaine was still in the area, she could always visit her next... the lilac beauty had planned on visiting her beloved guardian soon after arriving, after all. This could give her more reason to visit that old, creaking hotel sooner than first thought. Alaine likely would be worried sick about Caillen's disappearance- the peach and cream collie woman had always been protective of her young son...

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