we're off to never never land

The day began rather late for Nayru, who normally up hours before the sun. The thick clouds had kept the stars and then sun from reaching through her glass windows in the greenhouse and the normally disciplined girl slept through the early hours. When crimson eyes finally did peel open they had trouble adjusting to the darkness in the normally lit structure. Small droplets of water clung to the glass of her home and she shook out her limbs, her heart hammering fast when she realized how off schedule she had become.

Exiting the house the dull thunder called her attention and the fairy girl turned north, towards the shores. Her strides were long and fast and it wasn’t long before she found herself moving along the coast, eyes cast to the ocean looking for sparks of electricity across the water. The distant storm excited her in a way that she had felt in long while. For too long she had neglected nature, opting to focus all her energies on her training and hunting and dreaming of the white lady and keeping social contacts alive. It had been a long time since she had just breathed, and Nayru took the time then to breath the storm in as fully as she could.

The figure in the distance obstructed her path, but it was another she had not met yet. Already she could tell this and more so a strange noise accompanied the stranger’s presence. Had it been another she might had turned away, but her desire to serve Dahlia made her desire to know all its members. And more so, as the storm had stirred a part of her that had laid dormant for a while, so did the strange, shrill notes she heard then. Child-like curiosity swelled in her, a Nayru from another time, and as she approached the male she decided to throw social protocols away in favor of spontaneity and intrigue. ”What is that?” Her voice, so soft and gentle, resounded a much lower volume than the instrument, but both sounds were sweet and musical.


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