O Captain! My Captain! Rise up and hear the bells!


Conor was struggling as well, but little did he know that everything was about to change. What had happened was not really a bad thing at all, but he had lost control and now he feared that the whole puzzle piece was ruined. One could not plan out everything to perfection in this life—Conor knew this more than anyone, but he couldn’t let go of the fear that had infested him completely and utterly. Going into a proper relationship would eventually force him with the decision whether or not to have a family of his own. He had been happy with things the way they were, but he knew that Bris was a maternal person. She would never try to force him into something, but things were not simple. This was too complicated and too fragile for him to deal with successfully.

He too struggled with the lump in her throat as he watched her lovely bi-coloured gaze. She was not all right—seemed concerned, worried.. Cinnamon tipped ears leaned backwards in quiet distress of having to deal with her like this, but there was no way he could turn her away. A small nod was given as he acknowledged that she wished to speak to him. He could always do that, it was not as if she was some sort of stranger. He would just have to try to act naturally. The Stormbringer female was his pack member and as Dahlia’s only leader he would have to be here for all of them. Especially her, even if she failed to see it. These were his issues and only his. ”What is it?” He wondered, forcing his voice to remain normal and relaxed even though his nerves were not. He stepped back so that she could enter the room and gesticulated towards the bed; an offer for her to sit down if this was going to be a lengthy conversation.

He wished he knew how to apologize for what he had done to her.

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Table by Siekone

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