O Captain! My Captain! Rise up and hear the bells!


She settled on his bed and he slowly followed, though remained standing. Something was very, very wrong. She could see it in the mismatched colours in her eyes. A slick layer revealed that she was actually quite upset, and the turmoil grew within his inner walls as well. There was dread to be found at the pit of his stomach, and his lavender could not manage to hold on to the calm for once. Her eyes turned watery and he felt the lump start to block out fresh air from being drawn to his lungs. He wanted to hold her and protect her from those who wanted to hurt her, but he couldn’t protect her from himself. He had a terrible feeling that this had something to do with him; the two of them.

The male’s jaws parted in refusal of her words as she seemed to blame herself for everything that had happened. Yet he remained silent, for he did not know what he could say. Nothing was right at the moment, and it hurt him so much more to see that this had given fuel to the unhappiness between them. His lips spoke her name, but there was no air to produce sound with. The male was about to shake her head at her apology when she decided to drop the bomb. Oh, and what a terrible massacre it caused within him. It was probably true to say that his heart skipped a beat or two. Then, a world of renewed misery washed over him and tossed him into the depths of an untamed sea. No. It could not be.

How was it that it felt that his entire existence had fallen apart? For a moment or two the male must have seemed untouched by the woman’s news, but the change in him settled, slowly as with the oncoming earthquake rolling across the landmasses. ”No,” he said, as if that single word had the power to undo everything that was wrong in the world. She couldn’t be pregnant. It was impossible.

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Table by Siekone

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