I’m yours and that’s it

Yes! It matches her Kiritar perfectly! :o 300+

She leaned into him, and his arms gave her a gentle squeeze. It wasn't until now that he realized that whenever she had been upset before, this was how he had always wanted to comfort her. Nayati had always kept himself at a respectful distance when it came to women that were not relatives. He never wanted to seem too forward so as to make them uncomfortable or to give them the wrong idea about his intentions. Liliana knew what his intentions were though, and she welcomed them, so he was glad to be able to physically comfort her like this even if he wished she hadn't gotten upset in the first place. "Thank you for telling me. I know it was not easy for you." It meant a lot to him that she could confide in him on such a serious subject. "I am sure they are watching over you, from the world beyond." He truly believe that, and perhaps the thought would give her some peace.

Liliana's final words about her parents, seeing them when she too left this world, may have seemed morbid to some, but not to the Utina. It made sense to him to think that way. He had always been a deeply spiritual wolf and he believed that death was not the end, only a new beginning. He trusted that Liliana would see her parents in the spirit world, and that it would be a healing reunion for them all. At her comment his lips formed back into a smile. "Nonesense, he said warmly, pulling his face back to look at her. "I do not see why it needs to end, unless you want it to." Yes, they had broached a sad, tragic topic, but that didn't have to be the way they ended this evening. It was theirs to form as they saw fit.

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