October Sunrise

The voice that called out to him made the poor boy nearly jump out of his skin. Spinning around, wide eyed, the slate colored creature came face to face with a female he did not know. But she smelled strongly of his father and with his limited logic he knew she must not be bad, because Jefferson wouldn't spend too much time with anyone whose heart was in the wrong place. Yet that she could creep up on him so easily and he had never seen this woman before startled him. Had she been in Phoenix Valley long? Was he a bad member for not knowing? Should he know? Did Mother and Jefferson expect him to? For a long moment his ocean eyes simply stared up at her, but when she made no move or noise he allowed his muscle, tense and ready to spring in any which way, relax.

"Hello! I'm Pripyat!" The long grey tail connected to his rump began to rhythmically beat against the ground. Yet he didn't know if his introduction sufficed. Who was Pripyat anyway? Part of him expected anyone who knew Jefferson or Geneva, and that was anyone in Phoenix Valley, to know the name. Yet even as young as he was he his ego was not so swelled, and if she didn't know who Pripyat was that was okay. Not ideal, but okay. They could still be friends, he was quite sure. "You want to catch leaves with me?" And why would she, it was so much fun.


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