October Sunrise

She had been meaning to find the boy for some time now, and was glad that she'd come across him. Addison had only just returned to the pack, and she had many members to meet and catch up with now. She had to figure out who was still around and who had taken off, though. The girl knew that to move up in the ranks she would have to get to know the packmembers all over again. She'd also have to find out about the packs in the area and do a few other duties around the lands.

But it was what she wanted. Addi wanted to be a little higher up than she was currently...she'd been in the pack before but had left it, and had to prove herself again. The pup before her spoke up excitedly as she approached. She didn't want to scare the little dude and stood a few yards off at first, slowly coming forward as they spoke. ”I was hoping to meet you, Pripyat. I'm Addison--I'm your sister. I just came back from..er..a journey.” She explained.

She hoped that he would accept that; most pups were simple. But some liked to ask questions...tons and tons of questions. He wanted to catch leaves and she looked at him for a moment, unsure of what to say, before nodding in agreement. "Where's the best leaf catching territory at?"


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