tears are filling up glasses.
No worries!

The girl did glanced back to him but did not turn to greet him and the brows of the small boy furrowed in frustration. Her voice floated back to him and the sweet childish tones distracted him from his initial disappointment. Read? He couldn't read. He had never even considered it, although he wished that he had, because Pripyat just then didn't wish to admit that he couldn't read. Yet the girl continued on as if she didn't know or care if he answered her. She wanted to learn. He did now too, although just why he wasn't sure, but the desire was suddenly planted there. "No, I can't read…" His voice was soft and his ocean eyes glued to the girl's back, waiting for something more, waiting for the spell that the books held her to break.

When she finally did turn Pripyat smiled warmly at her, taking in her face and features more fully. Her eyes were of the sky, a vivid and bright blue, although not quite the exact shade of his own. Grace. What a pretty name. And his was so strange… not pretty or bold or anything really. Whimsical maybe. "Hello Grace. I'm Pripyat. Pripyat Soul." The boy straightened himself up on oversized paws and stood straight, so that he was taller than her. Why this suddenly seemed important he couldn't put his finger on it, but it was, as she sized him up. Unconsciously his chest puffed out, but his face remained friendly and his tail wavered behind him.

"Of course I live here." No one had ever asked the boy if he lived here before, they had all known, or assumed. Yet she was young, younger than him, so he granted her the mistake. "My father is Jefferson. He leads this pack." Had she met the grumpy old gimp? Surely if she had then she wouldn't question his place in this pack anymore. "Where are your parents? Do they live here now too?" Or had she come by herself? Or, god forbid! did Geneva take in more homeless and helpless youths like Bindu? Bindu he could handle, Geneva still had time for him and his father, but if she kept taking in strays… Pripyat shook the hateful thought from his head. Even if Mother had taken in this pretty girl, she wouldn't stop loving Pripyat, he knew that. He knew that for sure.


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