You calm the storms

Nayru smiled as Gideon accepted her offer of help. It was the biggest blessing anyone in Dahlia could give her, accepting her help. Or better yet seeking it out. They didn't know yet how useful she could be, so that no one came to ask her for her hunting services or protection she did not mind. In time she would prove her worth, to Gideon, the children and all of Dahlia and they would know how indispensable she was. And although she never thought of a payoff or any sort of reward she smiled when Gideon offered his own help. Fishing. Nayru had never even attempted to fish. She wouldn't even know how to start. And with all the hunting and training with Saluce she did, she did not think she would ever have time to learn. "That would be great Gideon, I will certainly take you up on that offer."

His words were cheerful as he spoke of her new house, and of his one day moving out, but Nayru could sense that there was some hesitance. Something being held back. Instinctively she drew nearer to him, resting her smaller head on his broad shoulder, as if to reassure him of their bond that was, as far as she was concerned, unbreakable. "You would never crowd me Gideon. " It was their energies she was trying to get away from, not that they were negative. It was, perhaps, that they were too good. Too busy. Conor constantly working for Dahlia, and Bris's kind heart. The others. Always buzzing, emitting energy. And Nayru sucking it up. But Gideon was like her. A sponge. Their energy was more centered, grounded, in sync.


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