Discoverys and new beginnings


It was his responsibility to protect and aid those who were less fortunate than he. Astryd’s presence was intense in many ways and he could see parts of his old self in her emotional colours. Everyone deserved somewhere to belong to. The male was curious of her story, but it was in truth her choice whether or not she would allow him to be guided down the shadowed path of past. The two of them were night and day, her heart pounding with life while his own seemed still within his chest. Everywhere he went, the emotional ache followed and turned his perspective of the world around him gray and lifeless. Conor should have known better than to allow fear and anger to get the best of him. Now he feared that it was too late, and the thought alone impaired him and kept him from following his love.

Astryd's words were received with a moment of silence. He did not know what it meant to be alone in the world. He had tasted the bitterness of it in small, manageable doses, but nothing more. He had been born into this very pack that he today led, and he could not imagine living in a world where he only had himself to depend on. Lilac gaze swiftly moved down to the scar on her leg again. It explained a lot. The woman was not hideously thin, but her pelt could not hide the fact that she seemed to lack fat. Scavenging and hunting small game could only get you so far, and he wondered how long she had been on her own. Compassion was part of him now, and he could feel slight warmth push his misery away, at least for now.

He was about to forge words of his own when she added her limited strengths on own accord. He slowly nodded at her. For some packs he guessed this was not enough, but in Dahlia de Mai he would do things his way. The pack was strong and stable and the lands were rich with various game. Astryd’s first impression was a fine one overall, for she seemed like a kind and considerate creature underneath worry and concern. He wished he didn’t unsettle trespassers so, but there wasn’t really much he could do about it other than to put up a friendly face and tell them that it was all right. She was no hunter, but there were other things she could do. If she possessed the luperci gene her options were without limits. There were other ways to collect food and many skills that could make her shine. Her simple handicap did not ruin her chances. The fact that she apparently shared his interest in healing added some nice seasoning.

”Your handicap should not be an issue,” he stated, soft lavender coated with warmth as he gazed at her. ”We have a good team of hunters and there are other ways to contribute to the community.” Conor had yet to decline a lonely soul by the borders and he was not about to. As long as the pack continued to flourish, he would care for those who needed a home and a family. ”As the alpha of this pack I can offer you a home here, if you are certain that this is what you want,” he continued, wondering if he should offer to take her home so that she could have a fresh meal and proper rest. Gideon’s quote was not forgotten, and he guessed it had been a fair amount of truth in those words.

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