A time for greater things

OOC here!

It had been so long, but her body feel right back into the old routine. She relished the feeling of excitement that flooded over her body, through her limbs. The slight nervousness she had felt had faded, giving way to the adrenline. So he knew how to move his feet, she thought as he easily moved out of the of her countering blow and swinging down at her legs. Anann jumped away from the swing, putting some distance between them. Feeling the air move beneath her feet as his wooden blade passed by. "Not bad!"

"To be honest," she said as she rushed him with a backhanded slash. "I thought you'd hold back a little more." The words coming here and there as they exchanged blows. She wasn't complaining, not in the least. Something that smile on her face should easily give away. "So many males here seem to think I need to be handled delicately for some reason." Already their movements had started to find a rythme.

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