A Maze
Fatin knew how the younger woman felt far better than she wanted to admit. Sighing softly, Fatin nodded. "I spent all of winter wondering why I was even around...I didn't have the guts to leave my pack and family, but I was miserable. Maybe the lands heard me and decided I needed to start over, even if I didn't want to." She said quietly. "That's probably horrible of me, but it's true..." She brushed a section of her hair out of her eyes.

"I'm just worried that we left behind far more than we're thinking of now...like, when Hymn showed up and asked about her mother Phasma, I hadn't even though about her grave until right then. Or my brother Mercido's out in the Sanctuary. The little memories, they're going to be lost forever I figure....but maybe it's just time to move on, and none of us realized it." There had to be some rhyme and reason to the way the world worked, but Fatin hadn't found it yet. Even with her age, she was still wrapping her brain around the way the world worked and doing her best to understand things as they came.

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