Hazing clouds rain on my head

300+ Welcome to Dahlia de Mai! Big Grin I'll get you titled up and added right away!

The topic changed slightly and he was facing something else. Soft lilac turned to observe the dark brute in a new, more critical light. It was not much to dig for, for Conor believed in boundaries even for him. There were essential questions that he usually wanted to have answered, but he already knew the basics about this male. A wanderer without recognizable scents on his pelt, his pages were blank here. The alpha watched the slightly crooked smile of the other and forged one of his own. ”Anything, huh?” he mused, the atmosphere not as tense as it could have been—there was space for a light tone between the two males.

The weather’s mood was improving as well, and the Dahlian’s gaze too shifted to take in the sunlight breaking through the glistering beads of rain. Even in fall, Dahlia de Mai was the most beautiful place he knew of. ”Dahlia de Mai is a large pack, so we’ll see what we can find for you,” Specific duties would eventually be given if the fellow stayed around long enough. He could have asked for Voodoo’s specific strengths, but it was Conor’s belief that everyone was good at something, and the pack was not struggling in any way so he did not have to worry about risking their wealth. The other brute seemed healthy and capable anyway.

Now, as merely a few, scattered drops fell from the brightening sky, it was time for the alpha to move on. ”Make yourself at home for as long as you’d like.” A genuine smile was awarded the other before he turned to continue his patrol. ”I’ll see you around, Voodoo.” Perhaps he could have stayed, but the weather’s mood could not be tracked and he wished to finish here before the evening crept in and brought chill along with it.

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