
They settled somewhere close to the beach, where the air was clearer and their lungs did not sting nearly as bad. She was beginning to get her sense of smell back, too, and all other normal functions that were damaged by the fire. Waking up slowly, Beppe nearby as well as the others, she felt something was different in the air. There were smells that were different to her, maybe smells she should not be smelling in this area but they were there nonetheless. They were faint and so, leaving their small group, she stood and moved in the direction of the coast. It was when the scent became stronger that her heart fell from her chest and she stopped in her tracks to see a figure, with a fire, cooking something.

Her voice caught in her throat as she moved forward, wanting to call out the name of her husband, but she was afraid it would not be him. Her feet moved quickly, the pain in her leg ignored, until she was within a few meters away from him and declared it was him. "Giuseppe!" she exclaimed, her voice cracking from damage of the previous two days. The fire had hurt her throat and the constant yelling for her son had not helped it get better, either.


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