Autumn Excitement
-300 words

The leaves smiled as they twisted and fell from the branches of the autumn trees. A chill was in the air, brought on by the sea that bordered the Cour des Miracles. Fall was truly in bloom, the colors taking their firey turn. It was beautiful, truly beautiful.

But the beauty was wasted on the pup who sprang into a pile of the auburn leaves on the ground. He didn't care that the colors were now such a pretty shade of crimson and orange. He didn't care that the autumn scenes were lovely to behold. He care that the leaves he had dove into crackled excitedly. He cared that they fell from the branches and gave him a toy to play with. Joyously, he nabbed the leaves from the air as they floated to the earth.

His time in the Cour des Miracles was becoming routine, and pleasant. No thoughts on the dead mother who wasn't going to come for him appeared in the head of the once-skittish pup. He moved around freely, without sadness clearing his mind. He was forgetting the unpleasantries. He was forgetting everything before being brought into the pack by the King. King Vigi, that was what the dog mutt was called by the pup. King. It was a funny word, like the Knights that Niro had told him about. Another level of determination. If Vigilante could be a king, Kambujiya felt that he could be too.

Pouncing at another leaf, he continued the entertainment. "Nooo! Come back!" His words were directed to a leaf caught on the wind, and he quickly ambled after it in the hopes that he could still catch it.

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