Little Miss Tourist

Thank you ma’am ^^ I am enjoying reading your posts. This will be interesting I think =D 504W.

Her eyes still locked on the other female of the colour of pure milk, her fur so pristine in the sunlight she was surrounded with a soft glow. This was what Astryd imagined angels to look like, however the she-wolf called Aurora, seemed earthly bound in her speech, after all an angel wouldn’t live in a normal wolf pack would she? Either way this heaven painted lady before her spoke gently and seemed to not mean harm. But her mind was still guarded, she didn’t want to let it down until she was sure she could be trusted, she wouldn’t be aggressive or start a fight, but she also didn’t want to let someone mislead her with a few kind words.

Her mind was spun in circles listening to the velvet filled voice, it lulled her to be drifted away and for a moment she imagined what it would be like to lay intimately with her. Her soft warm embrace..She snapped her mind back to the task at hand. She couldn’t let herself drift away. Besides what was she thinking? Was it normal to feel things towards other females? The way her heart raced..was it just her juvenile hormones over reacting? Oh it is all so confusing!

She nodded gently before taking a moment to collect her thoughts. ”This pack has been my salvation, my life was in shreds before I found myself standing exactly where you are now with my heart on my sleeve. Before I knew the kindness of this pack I was entirely alone in this world.” she paused slightly thinking again, she was revealing a lot to this stranger, but she felt this was the best way to paint the picture of how the pack had been to her. Her amber eyes softening as she continued ” They took me in, even though Im only young and my skills are still developing, the wound on my leg stops me from hunting, so I had to develop other ways to survive. socially it’s been a challenge but everyone has been so understanding of my struggle. Being completely confined from contact with others before being thrown into the midst of it…is overwhelming. That pretty much summed it up she thought. Her eyes still locked on the other femme, her tail flicking back and forth gently again.

Is there anything else in particular you would like to know, Aurora Cresent?” she asked gently, feeling the way her name rolled smoothly from her jaw. The lady-wolf had said she could call her Aura, but she liked the longer version so much more. It spoke volumes of her family history. And it was so…ladylike. So...appropriate. Was an Aurora anything? She had heard of wolves named after things or other wolves and had come to question what everything meant. The more she understood about others the more she wanted to know. To better understand them meant she could help them more effectively. It was after all her biggest desire to become a fully-fledged proper medicine woman!

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