You calm the storms

Store up food for the winter, yes that was a great idea. They would have to do that; it would make life a lot easier when the prey was less bountiful. The birds went south, the rabbits and squirrels became less active and more elusive and the number of all of them decreased quite a bit in the cold months. Winter could be cruel for prey and predator alike, but Nayru was not worried. They had time enough to store up meat, and if Gideon could figure out how to smoke it, Nayru could catch enough them. Range and Melee would be eating more and more, but the patch work girl didn’t think she would have any trouble filling their demanding bellies.

He returned the embrace and she did not move, simply enjoying the weight of his head as it rested against her own. So large was his own head compared to her’s, but she did not mind the closeness of his bulky skull. It was strange, for so rarely did she want others to touch her, she would tolerate it from other friends, but she liked contact from Gideon, and slowly she was beginning to appreciate it from others. Perhaps it had been that he had been her sole playmate, that they had tumbled together and even slept close—he had been the only once since her separation from her sisters to provide this. And now she did not mind his being there, in fact she had been the one to initiate it. The black and white being would have simply stayed there in silence, but Gideon continued to speak and his last words caused Nayru to pull back from the male, crimson eyes hard on his turquoise ones.

Coyotes. They had always been a controversial subject, not just within Dahlia de Mai but for Nayru personally. So many in Dahlia de Mai held onto lingering concerns over the Inferni clan, and Larkspur had been quite outspoken about their rottenness. Yet how could it be that one species was more or less pure than another? It defied nature, and it defied Nayru’s beliefs. There was good in everything and everyone, even if it was muddled or mucked up, buried beneath loads of angst and strife and whatever else caused creatures to do evil. "They aren’t all bad, Gideon." Razekiel’s warm face came to her, and her soft voice held a bit of an edge. Yet instantly she softened, for he hadn’t spoken outright against the coyotes and she did not think the boy held strong biases one way or another. Hopefully, Nayru thought, it was only the remains of the war still trickling through their brains.

"If anyone sneaks over our borders we’ll throw them out." That had, after all, been one of the reasons Nayru had relocated so far east. No one lived on the end of Dahlia de Mai now, except her, and she was glad to hold down the fort, from whoever or whatever. Her voice was ever soft but sweet again, any reprimanding tones forgotten as she curried favor with the boy once more. "No one will get past us."


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