A Stranger Among Deers
OOC here: 512 words

Izaak was one of those cases that could make it easy to determine if children were liked or not. He certainly had an abundant amount of energy. He could also become easily distracted by things that he found to be interesting. Unfortunately he found most things to be interesting. There was just so much that he had never seen or done before. So what if he was nearing one year in age? His time spent in Germany had mostly been spent indoors. And when he was outside he wasn't allowed to travel too far away from the one room shack that he lived in. His mother was always to busy to teach him basic things. So now that he was n Canada every day was an adventure to him. Every day was filled with something new and interesting to explore and learn about.

Theodoric knew more than Izaak at least. The coyote child didn't even know that there was a such thing as seasons. he knew it got colder around his birthday but he didn't know that this was a season or just how important that it was. He just assumed that whenever he went to look for something that it would always be there. He didn't realize that there was only a certain time when some things could be acquired. Heck, he didn't even know the words flora and fauna let alone what they were. He couldn't tell what was in Germany, let alone what was in Canada or America.

The still young coyote followed after the wolf and of course the albino creature followed along as well. Blitzen stuck close to Izaak, keeping the coyote between him and the wolf. It was what the caribou always did. It always kept Izaak between him and all others. And Izaak was so assured that Blitzen would follow that he didn't bother to look back and make sure. Blitzen had gotten into the habit of following wherever Izaak went so he wasn't worried at all.

The youth nodded in response to the words. The wolf had made the proper deduction. "Mein Name ist Izaak und dies ist Blitzen." He returned the German speech, introducing himself and his companion properly. There was a smile on his lips as he got to converse in German. That was something that didn't happen often. Usually he was stuck speaking in English. Or more like trying to speak in English since he didn't do the best job of it. But at least he tried. He made the attempt to make himself understood. All he could really ever do would be to try. His grammar and pronunciation were off but at least he knew the language. At least enough to try for conversation rather than there being a language barrier. It was one of the very few things that the boy did know. One of the only things that he could boast about. Actually it was lucky that he could speak English as well since there were a number of other things that he didn't know and couldn't do.

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