Working on the field-yard

Y halo thar ;D 300+

Fall was the busiest season of the year for the tribe as they prepared everything to survive through the winter moons. It was certainly not the time of the year that the Utina would have picked to begin courting someone since there were always things around the lands that needed to be done, but it did make both he and Liliana cherish the time they got to spend with one another even more. Nayati's feelings for the doggish woman were growing more and more each day and he knew that his affection was turning into love. It was amazing how she had so quickly come to mean so very much to the man. All thoughts and heartache over Asha, his first childhood crush, had disappeared. There was only room in his heart for the darkly painted lady now.

The Enagayahe Kanati had been out patrolling the borders and catching whatever prey that he had come upon. It had been a rather successful morning as he returned to where the tribe was building up their winter stores with a pheasant and three plump hares. He skinned, plucked, and cleaned his kills before putting them with the rest of their winter meat provisions. He and Iye rode to the nearest bend of the river and he washed himself up before they headed off to the stables. The man dearly hoped that he would find Liliana working there. With his tasks accomplished for the day, perhaps he could help her with whatever she was working on.

Nayati arrived at the stables and put Iye in his stall with some oats. Liliana wasn't inside, but he could smell her scent fresh which meant she had been here just recently. The man walked just outside the other end of the building to see her working with two horses hooked up to some sort of contraption. "It seems to be used to cut down the wheat." His pale gaze looked to the side to see Onawa, sitting statuesque while watching the harvesting. The puma gave him a knowing look and he smiled as he left her to go over to see if he could help out the process. "Lili!" he called out heartily. "What's all this? Can I help?"

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