Baa Baa Black Sheep
Be careful to keeping your writing in the past tense when switching between personalities ^^; I was a bit confused by your post.

The sun was beginning to sink down over the horizon line. She watched it out of the corner of her eye, careful not to look directly at it. It hurt her eyes pretty badly to look at the sun like that for a while. Lately it felt like the sun went down sooner and sooner in the day, the night lasting longer than ever. It had been noon not that long ago, after all.

The approach of another, footsteps crunching through the leaves and debris that littered the ground, made her rise to her feet. She'd never been to this place and if they were going to chase her out or weren't friendly, she'd need to make a quick escape. Either way they'd probably end up getting the sheep; she doubted that the animal could keep up with a luperci like herself, even with her short legs.

Addison hadn't seen a wolf that looked like Mars before, and wondered if he was some kind of hybrid. She knew that dogs could come in all sorts of colors..but she'd never seen such a split coat before. "Addison. From Phoenix Valley...not too far from here. Who are you?" She asked, alto voice pleasant.


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