Red eyes followed the silhouette as it came closer. He felt indifferent and neither wanted to approach the other as he came nor disappear back into the trees around him. It shouldn't have been, but Laruku found it strange to hear someone else's voice after a week of only being around Ahren and Jasper. It wasn't any different from how it had been before when he would spend days without speaking to anyone, but... every realization he made about everything now seemed to strike him deeper and leave him ringing even more hollow than before. The hybrid stared a moment, almost as if stupid and not understanding, before shrugging his scarred shoulders and looking off into the distance.

Not yet, he said dully, quietly, It probably won't take them long though... They're regrouping fast, westward. You could probably find them if you wanted. He failed to specify who they were, of course, and to a stranger, a newcomer, someone who didn't really carry a residual scent of their previous valley, how could they know that so many have lost their homes so quickly and that he found himself now in a grand rebirth? What are you looking for? He didn't know why was asking and it didn't occur to him that he hadn't given his own name yet. It felt like something he had left behind on the other side of the mountain. He'd been named for a pack that no longer existed now, after all.


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