hell is repetition

close soon?

She looked at him, but she did not really see him. Her eyes were cloudy. He did not envy her confusion, her doubt, her fear. He did not remember what those felt like, but a part of him empathized with the emotions. Gabriel had begun changing long before he had killed Haku. Destroying the demon had only solidified things he had begun to realize months beforehand.

In a flurry of motion she was on the skull, trying in vain to break the thing. He had done everything he could think of (including using the dagger, which had shattered when he did so) and still the toothy thing smiled at him. The Aquila had hoped the beasts would take the damned thing, but even they had sensed the wickedness in the remains and left that singular piece behind. Tayui defiled it, but she too, could not destroy it. He smiled ruthlessly.

“Now you know. If this is the path you wish to take, then you know what will come of it.” He spoke as if he too believed this was his fate.

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