mild powerplay. thwack me if necessary!

Like Maria, Giuseppe's senses had been damaged in the blaze. They were beginning to slowly return and he was relieved that the damage hadn't been permanent. Yet he wasn't 100% again, which became apparent shortly when his lady-love appeared mere meters away, calling out his name. "Maria?" He breathed softly, amazed and not quite willing to believe that after all of his frantic searching it was she who had found him. Then none of that mattered and a loud exclamation burst from his lips, "Maria!" Suddenly he was up and moving towards her, avoiding the fire and wrapping her up safe, bundled tight in his arms. If he still was angered at being left without a by-your-leave, it was forgotten now. Later, he would remember. Later, he would have hard questions that would demand answers. Now? Now he was just glad to see her alive. "Mi ero così preoccupato. Lei è doluto?" He buried his face in the thick mane of her fur, which still stank of smoke and fear.


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