Chasing Cars
ooc: OOC: It appears Echo likes you!... A lot! O.o

When Echo turned around to face his pursuer, he found a beautiful, lone Husky Hyrbrid standing right in front of him. Her pattern had a beautiful husky mix to it, and she dazzled in the sunlight like nothing he had seen before. She was also very polite towards the lone male, and this did seem a little odd. As for her breed, Echo could care less. All that ever mattered to him was whether you were friendly or hostile.

But something else seemed to catch Echo's fancy... It was the she wolf's courage. Not many wolves actually liked Echo. Most of them hated him mainly because of his vicious, battle hardened appearance. Some even sought him out as an unequal...

Soon after he had looked the female over, Echo replied to her question. "I may have lost my way while I was exploring. But, it would be kind of you to... perhaps show me around... My name is Echo." !"


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