Working on the field-yard

OOC here!

Liliana was finishing up checking the harnesses and was about to start when she heard a familiar voice, Nayati was there looking at the contraption that she had attatched the horses too. She smiled, knowing that someone wouldn’t really understand something they never seen, but she was surprised that he’d never seen it before really because it had been here even before she was a part of the pack, surely he’d seen other’s harvesting with it before?

This is a horse harvester, I’m going to get some of this wheat pulled up before it gets too cold

Liliana said, and smiled at his urge to help her. She loved how they tended to find one another to help one another out.

That would be great, if you could help lead the horses I can make sure this old contraption does its job!

she said giving a light tap to the metal thing. She hoped it worked, it was heavy so she wasn’t able to see if the thing worked while she pulled it, but if it didn’t work well she’d have to find something else that would. The horses waited patiently but they seemed to want to get to work, they tossed their heads waiting for a command from Liliana.

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