What you even care
http://img512.imageshack.us/img512/2166/ghitattm9.png); background-position:top; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Wc: 259~

In truth, the fae rarely thought about the world that books could provide to wolves. Sure, she knew that somehow, inside the thin, flimsy pages of bound material, somehow a wolf could learn things and read words from barely legible scribbles. What Ghita knew, she knew from experience, from going out into the world and putting her skills to practice. To the fae, book smarts didn't count for anything unless you could put it to use.

But here the proof was, right in front of her; Ghita had learned English through practice and dedication, emmersing herself in the language, and Flayra had read Italian between pages of a book. Listening to how long Flayra had practiced, the Italian mother was surprised at first, knowing that for the timber-coloured fae, it took her a while to get started, and then stick to a set task. But apparently Flayra didn't have that problem. "I see - you've made remarkable progress in that time."

Asked about her experiences with English, Ghita chewed at her lower lip for a moment in thought. Letting out a soft hum of thought, she finally opened her mouth to explain her struggles. "A lot of the wolves here speak very quickly, with a large vocabulary I didn't understand at first. But because I was totally inside the culture, I didn't have the safety net of another language to rely on, besides talking with my family. It didn't take too long for me to learn the basics, but I still learn a new word or two each day."


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