
To the west? Hm. That was all good and well, except he wasn't looking to find other wolves. But it was good to know this area was unclaimed. It meant he wouldn't have to be as careful of where he hunted. But... On the other hand, looking ahead to the near future he was sort of looking for a pack to join. And now that pretty much all packs had to start from scratch, what better time?

"Thank you," Umbra replied, "but right now, I'm not interested in other wolves. I'm interested in finding something to hunt." He looked at the other for a moment or two, considering. Then he made a somewhat tentative offer. "If you would like to, we could join efforts and hunt together." It would make things both easier and more difficult. More difficult because they weren't used to hunting together, and would probably have a high risk of failing altogether. Easier, because it meant they might be able to take down something larger than a rabbit, which was what Umbra had survived on the past month or so. He was quite good at catching the little buggers, but he was getting tired of the taste.

He wasn't sure if the wolf-or-coyote would accept the offer; he could have eaten recently, after all, or have his own ideas about hunting. But there was a chance the other's lack of interest came from being hungry, and if so he ought to welcome the help or company. At least in Umbra's eyes. Or maybe he'd lost someone dear to him in the fire. If so, he had probably not bothered to hunt. Well, Umbra wasn't going to press the other into doing something he didn't want to, and if what he wanted was to be alone, well... Then Umbra would respect that, and leave him alone.

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