when I smile, tell me some bad news


The scene was very unnerving forthe young male. Fortunately the pale lady did not rise and make the scene dramatic. It would have been her right to do so, of course, for he knew that both instinct and sorrow could toss any soul into turmoil. She did not turn to gaze upon her leader. Her voice was heavy with her loss as it reached his ears. He could feel his hackles slowly rise in response to the tragic scene. Another moment passed before his form moved again, slowly nearing his pack member’s kneeling form. He knew little of how he would have reacted to a stranger if he had been in a similar situation himself.

She would never know them. At least she had known them for a few moments, but nothing like this could be less than unbearable. ”I’m so sorry..” but such words could not help the Monroe woman with the fiery hair. All she could do was to continue to live and take care of her remaining children. ”Not all children are meant for this world, Lolita,” he heard himself say, though it was not a secure move to make. She had all the right in the world to sit and feel on her deep grief. Acceptance was important before moving on. It sounded like the infant had been sick from the day she was born, and he regretted that he had not kept updated on the woman.

He wondered if he could have made a difference if he had known about the birth, but what use was it to think about it now when it was too late either way? There was little distance left between the leader and the member. He folded his hands together in indecision, continuously wary of the other. ”Their sisters can know them through you though,” he calmly suggested. A mother’s tales should not be underestimated. Lolita would remember, and what was shared with her children would not be forgotten. It was not a pretty tale to tell, but their worlds would not remain flawless and innocent for long. Even if her heart was torn, her late children would live on through her and their surviving siblings.

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