strange question

If you can obtain permission from Rendall's former roleplayer, that would be fine. However, we would encourage you to create your own character since you appear to be new to roleplaying. It helps a lot for newcomers to develop their own characters first and get a feel for roleplaying. Additionally, since Rendall was roleplayed at 'Souls for many months, the character would have knowledge of many other characters on the forum. This might be tough for you to roleplay, since you wouldn't know too well which characters Rendall had met unless you went through all of Rendall's previous posts, which is definitely very time-consuming.

So although you could roleplay Rendall, I would recommend you start off at 'Souls with your own character. You're of course welcome to base your character off of Rendall if you especially liked the character's personality or character traits and enlist your friend's help, but from previous experience, you might find it easier to begin with a new one.

I hope that answers your question.

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