Asleep in the City [P]

[ooc] -- i thought you'd be there.

Would it work better if Cer asked Mew to join them, Mew agrees, and then Cercelee mentions Colibri’s name? Or do you want Cer to mention Colibri’s name before Mew agrees to join them?

holding daisies, counting stars. -- [bic]

Cercelee gave the other female her undivided attention, which was her custom with most anyone she met. As the other spoke, the yearling considered her words carefully. Mew. Nope, the name didn’t ring a bell, as names sometimes did. It was a nice name, but meant nothing to Cercelee. Clouded Tears, however, that was a different story. They must have missed each other. Or maybe not. Cercelee couldn’t recall any of the wolves that had lived in Clouded Tears when she had been a child. Only Laruku and Coli had made any impressions in the clay of her memory. Maybe Mew had lived in Clouded Tears at the same time, probably not, but at any rate they had just missed each other this time. Cercelee having joined Clouded Tears only days before it burnt to the ground, Mew arriving only days after.

Clouded Tears? That was my home as well. Briefly. What a coincidence. Still, how many wolves had passed through the borders of that pack while it had lasted? More than Cercelee could imagine, so that too meant little, only that they had seen the same lake and might know some of the same names. Of course, Clouded Tears had been Ceres’s private kingdom, a land where she spawned her army of children, grandchildren and so on. Innocent suspicions grew, yet Cercelee was never the one to assume. She would wait patiently for Mew to drop more hints. Until then they had other things to talk of, and even if this Mew was a Sadira, Cercelee didn’t consider herself to be, so that might not be a conversation topic at all.

Cercelee thought on Mew’s other words. No, it did not seem that any wolves had already resided in these lands, and if they had their numbers were far too small to form packs. However, with the mass of wolves fleeing the fire, she assumed that friends and family would form new packs. Intuition told her that they wouldn’t stray too far from the old, ash-covered lands. Something held them close by, a bond with the past perhaps, she felt it too, and the need to reassemble was great. Packs and clans would be springing up soon enough, she was sure of that. If only they could spring their own, spring it out of sheer willingness. As if that’s all it took to form a pack.

A small, somewhat shy smile formed as she spoke, her voice still light as a feather. No, I don’t think that any of these lands had been claimed prior to the arrival of those fleeing the fire. Perhaps it was arrogant of her to say so, she had not personally explored every inch of these new lands, yet all the same, if there had been packs present, surely they would have found some sign by now. I am sure that others are now trying to reform themselves. My friend and myself are trying to do the same, unfortunately we are both somewhat of loners, attracting only other loners, so our numbers grow slowly. Her mind went to Slay, how readily he had agreed to stay with the two females, strangers that they were. Loneliness did strange things to a person, Cer herself had all but pledged herself to Colibri, just to be with someone, anyone. At this point, we have no claim to these particular lands, but perhaps one day, so of course you’re free to pass through, or stick around for a while if you’d like.


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