The Antlered One
[html] ... epmoon.png); background-color:#211f14; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; text-align:justify;">I really wish Sepirah had more tables. WC: 578 {5 points}

Sepirah was not one for dealing with males, considering she had only met a few males in her pack, most of them being family. The only other male she met and seemed to have taken a bit of interest to was the jackal hybrid named Revan. He looked just like her and was able to provide the dark princess with some amusement. Her golden eyes peered out of her home as she gave a small yawn. The jackal rose to her paws and looked around her cave. In the corner was her folded up cape and bandit mask that she loved to wear so much. She remembered traveling to Halifax and finding the magnificent item. She moved over to it and tied it to her forehead. Normally she preferred to sleep in her lupus form, but she was so tried from training that she just came home and fell asleep. Her hair was a mess, but she really didn’t care. The jackal could always fix it up later, but as long as she had on her mask, she was happy.

Sepirah crawled out of the cave and felt the autumn sun beaming down on her back. She could feel the cool breeze dodging its way through her fur and hair as she made her way out into the pack lands. She preferred to explore more outside of the pack seeing as she was trying to gather more information that may benefit Inferni in the future. Her ears flicked around as she listened to the sounds of the world around her. She could hear the sound of birds chirping and the tiniest movements of the smaller prey moving around. Her back feet could feel the grass in between her pads as she walked along. The dark princess took this moment to fix up her hair. She stopped at Arachnea’s Revenge near the water and stared at her refelction. The jackal was not pleased with the image she saw of herself. She lowered her head to the water and dipped her head into it. She quickly pulled it back out because of the chill of the water. Her body shivered as she felt the water now dripping down her back. The bandit paused and then began to run her fingers through her head. She then took one of the bands on her arm and tried her hair up with her two braids hanging gently over her left shoulder. She was now more presentable and stared at her reflection a bit in the water before she rose to her feet and continued on.

Sepirah continued until she noticed a figure in the distance. She hid behind a tree and slowly made her way forward until she could see the figure more clearly. It was a male but of an odd breed. He looked nothing like a wolf from where she was standing and wondered if he even was one. She dared not to go closer until she knew more about how this male acted. She didn’t want to be walking into a trap or act friendly to someone who would turn on her. Because she was under the protection of the wooded area, all that could be seen was her golden stare and the orange part of her muzzle. She waited to see if the male would notice her or mearly ignore her. Either way, it would help the jackal to piece together his personality and motive for being near Inferni.


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