Ear-lye in the morning

300+ blabla weird reply <3 sorry for the wait

Gideon’s words did not settle well in Conor’s ears. The adult could easily sympathise with the youth’s reasoning for wishing to move out, but he invisibly reacted because he knew that the Stormbringer boy would want to take the puppies with him. He had allowed Giddy to be their guardian, but the story could have been another. He and Bris could have taken the custody for the two small puppies, but he had thought it fine because there were usually adults around. The place Gideon thought of was not far away, but the idea made him uncomfortable anyway.

”Are you sure that it would be the best for Melee and Range?” he asked, knowing that Gideon had to get used to sacrificing his own wants and needs for the sake of the children. Even if it meant less time with Nayru. Eyes danced between the children and their guardian, but he guessed he would talk with Bris about this if Giddy was definitely serious about this idea. Independence was good, but he worried about his half-siblings. Better safe than sorry, right?

The youth’s next words caused a melting sensation to spur about within his alpha’s chest. He liked the way Gideon put his words. White tipped tail waved gently on top of his own paws, and his smile seemed instantly brighter as he thought these words over. ”Dahlia is our family.” It was not as simple as that though. ”When I was born I had my entire family here. We weren’t a happy family, and my mother was exiled when Emwe and I were only a few months old. My father was cruel and did not take care of us as he should.” He did not know how obvious this had been to the rest of the pack. Something should have been done—Conor would never have allowed something like that to happen today. ”My parents never cared for me, and I’m not the only one with a sad story. Someone needs to take care of those who are lost and lonely. Bris’ past is not a happy one either. I think we try to make a difference to those who need someone to count on.”

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