There is Life in every breath

is ok :3 300+

"Some of this tea would be good. I do not know how well I could get along if I were to be deprived of it completely," she said with a soft, slightly amused smile. Tea had been a staple of her life for as long as she could remember, even before she had actually been allowed to drink it herself. Everything else in her life had and was changing so dramatically that she was desperate to hold onto whatever she could. Tsukiko would never admit that desperation to anyone aside from Setsuna, but Conor did not appear the type that would wish to know such a thing. Surely he could understand it was important for her to hold onto what traditions that she could.

This was the first time she had had to lay out the whole story for someone. All of the people and servants on the estate had known basically every detail. Even the merchants she had sailed with had known the large events and details. Her parents death had been mourned by the entire region and it was no secret that Noboro was not the most honorable of men. It had been draining, revisiting and speaking of everything that had occurred, more so than she had even imagined it would be. The wounds that had been exposed were deep and not fully healed; the retelling of how she had come by them made her spirit ache.

Conor's first words or response went by barely registered as she somewhat consumed by the memories of her unfortunate recent past. Then there was silence. When he next spoke though, his words went straight to her heart and made a degree of warmth come back to her body. Being strong was something she had always worked for, always desired to be. To hear this near perfect stranger name her strong, it meant more to the woman than he probably knew. When their gazes met again, Tsukiko could not help the soft smile that came back to her lips. "Thank you, Conor-sama," she said reverently. "I felt you deserved to hear it." The more this man knew of her past, the better able he would be to understand her and her situation.

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