quest for knowledge

ooc: yay!!

Skye loved being in the library - it was nice, it was comfortable, and warmer than the chilly outside that was now bearing winter's mark. And best of all, it had thousands and thousands of books! Skye thought she would be able to live here if there wasn't that mysterious cat that always seemed to slink around and made her slightly nervous.

Of course, she never took books from the library and kept them - to her, it was de rigueur that she didn't, as the books should be open to everyone and all people. She smiled as she scanned the bookshelves, but then froze when she saw a familiar face.

"Hi, Saul!" she exclaimed, happily rushing to the pup who was now in Optime form like herself. Last time she'd met Saul, he'd been in his Lupus form - but that didn't hide the scent and face she knew was his. "What are you doing here? Decided to check out a book?" She chuckled at her own little joke - she didn't know what checking out a book really meant, but she'd read about it in books with libraries in them, and it sounded like a smart thing to say.

She looked at the book he had chosen - to her, it was upside down, so she couldn't read what the title was, and the spine was on the ground. Still, she was sure that it was a good book to read if Saul had picked it out. She wondered why he was in the middle - perhaps he'd read it before, and wanted to check up on one part? Or maybe he had begun to read it but was interrupted, and left the book here. She grinned at him, glad that there was someone else who had an affinity for books like she did.

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