let the sun shine

He didn't know what it would be like to have two legs. He was definitely afraid of the change, afraid that he wouldn't be the same wolf any more or that it would affect him in some other way...but his brothers gave him a little bit of courage. Even Ascher was encouraging him and trying to make him feel better. His sibling's words made him feel a lot better. "I bet she'll like it--I'll be like her. At least..I hope she would like me like that.." Hopefully she wouldn't think he was any different. Gideon was already quite a bit larger than Nayru.

As soon as he had calmed down, he began to focus on her. Gideon imagined what Nayru looked like, how long her arms were and legs. He imagined what he might look like beside her, walking, what it might be like to give her a hug. He would be a different height than her, definitely. And as he thought of these things, the changes began.

He was completely amazed when he opened his eyes. He was much higher than before! At least, it seemed that way. He felt clumsy, unused to the long arms and legs. Balancing on two feet was ridiculously difficult; he swayed back and forth before falling back on his rump, dizzy. "I...wow, It's so different! I'll have to relearn walking..."

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