all the stars and boulevards

thanks so much for starting this!! <33

Anu had decided to allow her shadow to follow her through his adolescence. There had been a moment where she had tried to push him from her metaphorical nest and he always returned no matter how she pushed. His masked face looked to her for everything in the world, and Anu could not deny her son her the simple company that he asked for. And she taught him, and when her voice was winded and she could no longer find things to preach about there was a silence that they both seemed to bask and absorb as if it was the warm and raze of the Sun. He was content as well, as they roamed the forests of their home, speaking as the wolves before them did. The ones without a voice.

A call such as that, primal and elementary, rang through the air and the fur along her back rose and she looked to the large adolescent that stood just beyond a tall fir tree and watched as his did the same. Blue eyes looked at her and she saw something in those pools of water and sky. They traveled to the darkness they settled in and her felt the chill run its course and leave her with a small warmth of familiarity in her chest.

Without a word she continued north, the boy following. The Inferni king’s scent came to her and her felt her son tense as he stood beside her. He clung to her side, and though he was larger then her already at merely six months of age his demeanor had not changed from puphood. There was another, and it was scent of Cypress that made her approach quicken.

The light hued female broke through the leafless landscape with the same ease and grace as if she approached at a leisurely stroll, her eyes looking at the fire tinge that she knew would be there to greet her. Gabriel She spoke with the same warmth that she had held for him in the past, such a thing had not changed.

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