http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv28 ... _alive.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom; padding: 15px; padding-bottom: 250px; text-align:justify;">Hope you don't mind me jumping into thread Smile

She was aware that there was a new line drawn southwest for the cursed Dahlia de Mai pack. The optime woman moved on regardless despite it being out of character for her to intrude on something that possibly was a pack territory. Another wolf pack. The thought did not settle well with her, and so a discontented scowl stripped her face for some of its natural beauty. Perhaps she would get to use her sword today, perhaps not. While she believed herself their superior already, she knew that she wasn’t invincible. She was not certain if she actually was looking for trouble either; the border just happened to cross her dedicated path and she was quick to disrespect others for she had never received any respect from them in the past.

Eventually she spotted the old cabin and moments after she realized that she probably was about to stumble upon the first member of this stupid group. Great.. She believed she heard sounds from within the building’s innards, and she stepped over to the open entrance, glaring into the darker room with ruby eyes narrowed with wariness. It was not often that she approached the larger canines—Inferni was her home and it was actually rare for her to venture far from their skull lined borders. The supporting weight of the sharp katana resting against her back in its sheath comforted her though, and so her voice was confident as she made her presence known. "Hello?"

Table by Marit


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