Remember the Footsteps
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The weather was slowly changing again. Outside there had once been leaves that slowly feel tot he ground every now and then but in the past few days Jazper had really started to notice that the trees were all bare and there was a chill in the air that clung to the windows leaving a layer of frost in the mornings. This time a year ago Jazper had been a first time new father and had worried about his little boy and girl making it through the winter. This time around he carried the trio in his arms with a sense of pride. All three where healthy and eating plenty. Walking into the living room he placed the three balls of fluff on the chair, wrapping them in a blanket to keep them warm.

It amazed him to watch them wiggle and squirm about, his family was growing. The biggest of the three had a chocolate brown coat with black streaks mixing into his fur. Very close is size was his little brother Lorenzo with the genetic timber wolf markings. Lastly, little Fia with her snowy fur and contrasting black toes and markings above her eyes. He had brought them to the living room to give Ghita a moment of rest in the afternoon. She was still recovering from the pregnancy and leaving the manor with the pups was completely out of the question at only a week old. Instead he had a special treat in store for them.

Knowing they couldn't hear Jazper still lifted his violin onto his shoulder knowing that there would still be vibrations that even he, as an adult, was sensitive to. With a deep and quiet breath the warrior began to play a song for his pups. Normally his songs were full of deep and intense emotion but not today. Today he let an upbeat and joyful song fill the library, a small smile on his face. It wasn't until a slightly familiar scent caught his attention and the wolfess entered the room that he slowed to a pause. Looking at her with serious golden eyes the over sized giant took her in. She had been present at the birthing and had made him rather nervous, after all normally only close friends and family were present at a birthing. Still, Jazper had earned himself some patience with new members of the pack in the past couple of years. “Hi there, I don't believe we've ever officially met.” He said with a gentle voice to not disturb the squeaking and shifting pups, “I'm Jazper Rhiannon-Knight”


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