
omg I love your character. I wish to kidnap him.

As it turned out, he was not looking at a simple outcropping with an odd formation on it, but a furry little fellow who began calling over the waves. He was surprised by this, and swiveled his ears forward to better hear. As it turned out, the stranger was indeed stranded. By what was probably about fifteen feet or more of water. Had Gabriel been younger, he might have laughed. He smiled wistfully, recalling when an incident like this had occurred with his own children (though Ezekiel had been far from calm about the whole thing) and took a step forward into the salty water.

“It won’t go down for a few hours,” he called back. From the looks of it, the fox—he could now identify the animal by his pointed ears and striped muzzle—was in a bad way. Not that he would die or anything, but being stuck for hours…well, it would be miserable. Though he would never claim to be a hero, Gabriel did not think it right to leave the little thing to rot and be harassed by the gulls. “Are you strong enough to hold onto me, if I come out there?” Or, as he had with Ezekiel, would Gabriel need to flail against the water while holding a frantic child in his mouth. The thought of that was almost enough to turn him away.

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