Red tinted glass

OOC: oh mah godd!! sosososososo sorriiieeeee I've been so busy i forgot all about this *begs on her knees* pleaaassse forgives me D=

Jace turned suddenly as she heard a voice speak. She heard the contempt in the female's voice, saw the loathing in her eyes and felt it through her actions. Jace realized with growing horror that their situation had just become incredibly fragile and might possibly end up being lethal to her and Temo. Now that she stopped and thought she could scent boundary lines and also that the skulls were warnings and wanted to kick herself for being so lax in her caution.

She looked over at Temo with a worried expression and moved closer to him, and then looked back at the female, carefully avoiding her eyes and lowering her body slightly; her ears flat and her tail tucked between her legs so as to not cause further offense to the angry canid.

"We are so sorry miss" She fumbled over her words in an attempt to explain their actions "We are new to this place called Souls' and we did not mean to trespass upon your land, we did not mean any offense."


Jace "talks", 'thinks', and walks.


Table by Kaena Lykoi <3

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