Chasing Cars
She watched and observed him as he seemed suddenly nervous and shy. He seemed more confident a moment ago, maybe she was being too confident? How could that be she was so very self-conscious it wasn't funny. It was then she decided to tone it down and sit. The male didn't answer any of her questions other than wanting to have a tour of this land. His answer though bothered her some, 'your' land. This wasn't her land, it was Jefferson's. Whatever, she wouldn't nit pick...or would she? "It's not my land..and you didn't answer any of my other questions either.." Her head bowed some a little disappointed in him. Looking deeper into the land she knew this time she wouldn't mess up and she would call Jefferson.

Head leaned back as her muzzle pointed to the air calling for one male, and one male only: Jefferson. Her call would carry for several miles in hopes Jefferson was around within howling distance.

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