quest for knowledge

ooc;; pretty table sunny <3

Saul Stormbringer

Green eyes looked at the squiggles and lines on the page and his brain could make no sense of them. There was no way he could look at these lines as words and he wondered if he would ever get the hang of this reading thing. He couldnt even begin to imagine what writing would be like, trying to hold an impliment in his hands. He had only just learnt the true fine motor skills of picking things up with his hands, making sure his claws didnt randomly shoot out without his say so, being delicate with objects that needed to be held carefully. He understood that a book, and any book he handled, must be held delicately. There would be no more books if they were destroyed- even Saul who knew nothing of humans understood that there was no way to make another book, let alone know what to put it in. But no matter how hard he tried he couldnt get the squiggles and lines to make sense.

Movement from behind him made him stiff, but he remained on the floor. Saul was a peaceful creature and he had no reason to be afraid in this fortress like building. He didnt think that a creature with malicious intent would come to a library to cause their harm. Green eyes looked up in surprise as his name was called out and he recognised the light tones to belong to Skye, whom he had met a while ago. He glanced around, catching the pale optime form of the wolf who had been so excited about creating her pack. Saul had heard about the new neighboring pack that practically sat on Dahlia's doorstep. He liked the idea that this new pack was close to them- if Skye was part of it he could see her whenever he felt like it. He allowed a stunning smile to break out on his lips and it seemed to propel him further than his age allowed. Although he would be eight months in a few days, that smile was something older than himself.

"Skye! Its great to see you! How are you?"

He exclaimed, placing the upside-down book on the floor and standing. He felt like he should have hugged her or shaken her hand or something, but then he realised that they had only met once before and that meeting had been rather awkward. Instead, he rested his right hand on his left elbow and allowed his head to twist to the side. Floppy brunette hair shifted over his eyes and he flicked it away impatiently. She carried on speaking and although Saul didnt understand the saying she came out with, he understood her intent and purpose. He nodded softly, head inclining towards the book he had left on the floor. He didnt know what he was doing and a wave of embarrassment washed over him.

"I.. uh.. I was trying to learn to read actually... I'm afraid I'm doing a bad job of it!"

He admitted with a soft chuckle. He returned to the floor, picking the book up and gazing at the squiggles with increased frustration. Maybe Skye could help him, but the young adolescent was too proud to ask for her help. Instead, he tried to figure it out on his own, but to no avail.

word count;; 555


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