
That's because I've been playing him since he was a puppy. << -is old-

The fox answered well enough, but his body moved with a jerky, uncertain movement that made Gabriel doubt if this was the case. Regardless, Gabriel had made a commitment and would make certain he followed through with it. He took several large bounding leaps into the surf, forcing his muscular frame against the crashing waves, and fought against their current until his feet no longer touched the ground. Though his summer bulk made swimming more difficult than it would have been in the summer, he was a powerful swimmer and moved towards the rocky outcrop quickly. Low chuffs of breath escaped the sides of his mouth, though he could not help but taste salt water as he sucked in the air.

It did not take him all that long to reach the rocky area amongst the water. He could see it would be difficult, if not impossible, for him to climb up from where he was. How the fox managed it was remarkable. Kicking against the cold water, the Aquila paddled furiously, waiting for the smaller animal to come to him.

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